Zero Waste Application

An app to track reusable containers


Our application will allow the vendor to keep track of the distribution of containers, making inventory management easier. It will also assist in monitoring the number of containers checked out, simplifying the return process for users. This will help the vendor to easily identify who has returned the containers and who has not

Team Members






What is Zero Waste?

Problem: A non-profit organization operating a reusable takeout container program to replace single-use plates at events are losing 20-30% of containers.

The Solution: A way to keep customers accountable for returning the company’s reusables by creating an app or website that tracks the reusable containers and holds each container into a database.

User Guide

Main Page

Once logged in, you are able to check in or take out containers mattering if they are being borrowed or returned, etc. A QR code is shown for customers to be able to log their information to be attached to a container. This will keep track of who is taking out the container for when they return it.

Add / Checkout

The Add and Check out pages are somewhat similar. The difference being how they manipulate the database. Below is the Current version of the Check out page.

Checkout is used to takeout a certain number of containers with specification on what size the container(s) are.


The remove page simply removes the container from the database after either being returned or purchased.

One can simply press on a trash button next to the selected container to remove and it will be deleted.

Google Doc: 5stack Contract.


M1 Milestone Issues Page

M2 Milestone Issues Page

M3 Milestone Issues Page

App Website

Zero Waste